Family Stores Doing the Most Good®

Who Qualifies?

Taking the first step.

Who Qualifies
Taking the first step.

Be 18 years or older willing to admit the need for rehabilitation. Also, be  willing to participate in the entire program, including work therapy. You should be ready to commit yourself to a six-month period of rehabilitation. Be free of intoxicating drugs, including alcohol, upon admission to the program and facilities. 

Lastly, express a desire to rebuild a lifestyle free of chemical dependency.  Once in the program and facilities you should be willing to submit to random drug tests throughout your time within the Adult Rehabilitation Center.

Insurance is not needed and we assist everyone in obtaining additional care if needed.  We also apply for state food & financial assistance on behalf of the beneficiary.   Each person receives three meals per day. 
All clothing, bedding and towel needs are provided.  Cell phones and electronics are not allowed. 

Valuables are discouraged from being brought into the Salvation Army.  Our facility also has a library, exercise and quiet room.



Tags: Recovery